Envaitenet: The Island Of No Return
The legend of the Kenyan island of Envaitenet is one of those cases which utterly intrigues, but which is frustratingly lacking in detail. The small island sits on Rudolf Lake (named after a crown prince of Austria), and in the language of a local tribe Envaitenet means “No-Return”. It has long been considered to be a cursed place. A ccording to local residents, the island "absorbs" people and because of this, for many years, no one wants to live on this mysterious island or even visit it for the fear of a possibility of repeating the fate of those who disappeared forever for unknown reasons in its vicinity. These are not fictitious legends, but quite confirmed facts. The story goes that the inhabitants of Envaitenet frequently came to the mainland to trade goods, but then one day, inexplicably they stopped. Concerned, two local men decided to travel to the island to find out what had happened. When they got there they found the place completely abandoned. All they found wer...